Vc Intro + Vc Serve

Take your

next step

VC Intro and VC Serve are great next steps at Victory City Church. VC Intro will tell you all about who we are. VC Serve will help you discover your God-given gifts so you can start helping others take their next step. Fill out the form for your next step and one of our team members will contact you.

Dream team serve the kingdom

Next Steps

VC Intro + Serve are the pathway to discovering the heart & DNA of Victory City, as well as becoming an active participant in what God is doing here at our church. You can follow along with the videos below to learn more about our church, and the opportunities we have available for you to get involved.

VC Intro

In this video, you will hear from Pastor Eric about who we are and what we believe. We know every person has a step to take and we want to help you continue to do that. After you watch this video, fill out the form and one of our team members will be in contact with you.

VC Serve

In this video, you will discover what it means to be equipped and empowered to serve and lead here at Victory City. After you watch this video, fill out the form and one of our team members will reach out to you and help you discover the best team for you.